BBS Toolkit
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'Device Control Block (DCB) type structure used by the
'Windows API functions GetCommState and SetCommState
Type DCB_Type
Id As String * 1 ' Port Id from OpenComm
BaudRate As Integer ' Baud Rate
ByteSize As String * 1 ' Data Bit Size (4 to 8)
Parity As String * 1 ' Parity
StopBits As String * 1 ' Stop Bits
RlsTimeOut As Integer ' Carrier Detect Time "CD"
CtsTimeOut As Integer ' Clear-to-Send Time
DsrTimeOut As Integer ' Data-Set-Ready Time
ModeControl As Integer ' Mode Control Bit Fields
XonChar As String * 1 ' XON character
XoffChar As String * 1 ' XOFF character
XonLim As Integer ' Min characters in buffer before XON is sent
XoffLim As Integer ' Max characters in buffer before XOFF is send
peChar As String * 1 ' Parity Error Character
EofChar As String * 1 ' EOF/EOD character
EvtChar As String * 1 ' Event character
TxDelay As Integer ' Reserved/Not Used
End Type
'Type structure used by the GetCommError API function
ModeControl As String * 1
cbInQue As Integer
cbOutQue As Integer
End Type
'Windows COM related API function declarations
Declare Function OpenComm Lib "USER" (ByVal lpCommName As Any, ByVal wInQueue, ByVal wOutQueue)
Declare Function CloseComm Lib "USER" (ByVal nCid)
Declare Function ReadComm Lib "USER" (ByVal nCid, ByVal lpBuf As Any, ByVal nSize)
Declare Function WriteComm Lib "USER" (ByVal nCid, ByVal lpBuf As Any, ByVal nSize)
Declare Function BuildCommDCB Lib "USER" (ByVal lpDef As Any, lpDCB As DCB_Type)
Declare Function GetCommState Lib "USER" (ByVal nCid, DCB As DCB_Type)
Declare Function SetCommState Lib "USER" (DCB As DCB_Type)
Declare Function SetCommEventMask Lib "USER" (ByVal nCid, ByVal nEvtMask) As Long
Declare Function GetCommEventMask Lib "USER" (ByVal nCid, ByVal nEvtMask)
Declare Function GetCommError Lib "USER" (ByVal nCid, COMSTAT As COMSTAT_Type)
Declare Function FlushComm Lib "USER" (ByVal nCid, ByVal nQueue)
'Possible return values (error codes) from the Windows API function OpenComm
Global Const IE_BADID = -1 ' Invalid or unsupported id
Global Const IE_OPEN = -2 ' Device Already Open
Global Const IE_NOPEN = -3 ' Device Not Open
Global Const IE_MEMORY = -4 ' Unable to allocate queues
Global Const IE_DEFAULT = -5 ' Error in default parameters
Global Const IE_HARDWARE = -10 ' Hardware Not Present
Global Const IE_BYTESIZE = -11 ' Illegal Byte Size
Global Const IE_BAUDRATE = -12 ' Unsupported BaudRate
'Possible return values from the Windows API function GetCommError
Global Const CE_BREAK = &H10
Global Const CE_CTSTO = &H20
Global Const CE_DNS = &H800
Global Const CE_DSRTO = &H40
Global Const CE_FRAME = &H8
Global Const CE_IOE = &H400
Global Const CE_MODE = &H8000
Global Const CE_OOP = &H1000
Global Const CE_OVERRUN = &H2
Global Const CE_PTO = &H200
Global Const CE_RLSDTO = &H80
Global Const CE_RXOVER = &H1
Global Const CE_RXPARITY = &H4
Global Const CE_TXFULL = &H100
'Possible communications events used with the API functions GetCommEventMask and SetCommEventMask
Global Const EV_RXCHAR = &H1 'Set when a character is received and placed in the input buffer
Global Const EV_RXFLAG = &H2 'Set when the event character is received and placed in the input buffer
Global Const EV_TXEMPTY = &H4 'Set when the last character in the transmit queue is sent
Global Const EV_CTS = &H8 'Set when the clear-to-send (CTS) signal changes state
Global Const EV_DSR = &H10 'Set when the data-set-ready (DSR) signal changes state
Global Const EV_RLSD = &H20 'Set when the receive-line-signal-detect (RLSD or CD) signal changes state
Global Const EV_BREAK = &H40 'Set when a break is deteced on input
Global Const EV_ERR = &H80 'Set when a line-status error (CE_FRAME, CE_OVERRUN, CE_RXPARITY) occurs
Global Const EV_RING = &H100 'Set when a ring indicator is detected
Global Const EV_PERR = &H200 'Set when a printer error is detected (CE_DNS, CE_IOE, CE_LOOP, CE_PTO)
Global Const EV_ALL = &H3FF 'Value when all of the above event masks are set
'Possible parity settings for the Parity field in the DCB_Type type structure
Global Const NOPARITY = 0
Global Const ODDPARITY = 1
Global Const EVENPARITY = 2
'Possible stop bit settings for the StopBits field in the DCB_Type type structure
Global Const ONESTOPBIT = 0
Global Const ONE5STOPBITS = 1 '1.5 STOP BITS
Global Const TWOSTOPBITS = 2
'Boolean constants
Global Const False = 0
Global Const True = Not False
'Default message box caption
Global Const DefMsgCaption = "Communications Demo"
'Variables representing carriage return and carriage return linefeed respectively
Global CR As String
Global CRLF As String